We offer both fresh and saltwater fishing here in South Africa. We do trips to both the north and south of Angola. The tour consists of between 10 and 13 days depending on the tour dates you choose. We now fly our clients in directly from Windhoek to Lubango. We try to keep our groups to a max of 6 people. The main target species on lure are big Garrick, Elf, Kob and Grouper. We also do bait fishing in the evenings for a variety of species including big sharks and edibles. Once in Angola our base camp will be at Flaming Bay. Weather depending we will fish the Dunes, Doodsakkerand Cunene areas. An idea of what your days will look like. You will be served breakfast each morning and then the fishing will commence. Lunch will be prepared next to the water so there is no need to lose any fishing time. We will head back to camp after sunset where dinner will be prepared. We also do night fishing for those who are keen. We have different packages depending on what time of year and each package has its own location with accommodations so contact me and we can put something together.
3 meals a day, all camping equipment (private tent, stretcher, mattress and sleeping bag), all tackle and bait will be provided as well as flight tickets from Windhoek to Lubango and back. You will just need to cover your own flights to Windhoek and back depending on where home is.
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