“For most avid turkey hunters, completing the Grand Slam is typically on the bucket list. When I was in middle school, my grandfather, otherwise known as Gran, was about to finish his turkey hunting Grand Slam, and I desperately wanted to go with him on his last trip. He told me that once I got to college he would take me to start mine. However, freshman year of college, Gran passed away.
So, my Dad and I decided that we were going to start my grand slam in memory of him. When looking at how expensive hunting outfitters were, we decided to just swap trips on our property instead. Through social media, my Dad and I swapped a hog hunt on our property here in Alabama for a turkey hunt at another guy’s place in Colorado. Little did I know, this led to Trips4Trade.com.
In 2017, I completed my Grand Slam by trading hunting trips on Trips4Trade.com. This is one of my most prized accomplishments. I know this put a smile on Gran’s face in heaven.”
-Slade Johnston, Founder/CEO
"At Trips4Trade, we strive to give bucket list opportunities to each member in our community.”
Trips4Trade is a community of outdoorsmen that are brought together by their enjoyment of the outdoors in one aspect or another. Some outdoorsmen dream of the bugle of a trophy bull elk during the fall rut on a Hunting Trip, while a fisherman’s dream is hearing the zipping of a reel’s line after a giant marlin takes the bait on a Fishing Trip. Some outdoorsmen appreciate the simplicity of the sun setting below the horizon while sitting on a sugar-white beach during a Vacation Trip. The breath-taking view from atop a snowy mountain on a skiing Adventure Trip peaks the interest of many active outdoorsmen, and most enjoy perfect seats to the big game on a Sports Trip. But what all outdoorsmen have in common is an intense passion for the outdoors that can only be fulfilled by continuously pursuing new journeys and adventures.
Trips4Trade is the linking platform between each of these Outdoors, Adventure, Vacation, and Sports trips. We all have something valuable to offer. At Trips4Trade, we believe in the notion of enjoying what you are blessed with, while also sharing. By using Trips4Trade’s collaborative consumption business model, you will save tremendously on the expenses of dream trips just by exchanging what you already have.
Trips4Trade is built on 4 base pillars: Available, Reliable, Affordable, and Valuable. These elements combined with the Outdoorsman Persona is what makes this site exceptional. A special bond is formed when like-minded people come together and realize their mutual enjoyment and appreciation for adventure and the outdoors. Here at Trips4Trade, we have taken that persona and created a reliable network of opportunities. Our purpose is to provide everyday outdoorsmen with the affordable opportunity to temporarily swap their experiences and make priceless memories of a lifetime. If you decide to join our community, we will provide the resources and support to make sure you find the trips you are looking for!
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” – Luke 6:31