We will be bird hunting local farms in the area. Plenty of birds and access to several different properties. Can accommodate 1-2 hunters plus potentially a non-hunter. We can pick you up and drop off at the airport or you can rent a car to the property.
You will stay with us in our "underground" home that I built 28 years ago on the farm. Home cooking. Maybe a cigar and a glass of wine after an exhausting Chukar hunt.
Trade Interests
LOOKING FOR: Low cost, over the counter license and tags for any combo of the following: Bowhunting Lrg. or small game (especially BBQ size feral hogs). I am a meat hunter so size isn’t as important but do enjoy a trophy every now and then. Upland Gamebirds with my 28 gauge. Fishing mostly for in-shore waters fish. Scuba diving and or spearfishing, Snow skiing, boating, vacations on the beach for myself and my wife, or if a hunting trip, possibly a hunting buddy.
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